Sunday, March 17, 2013

:||: PTU - Degree Of Sarcasm :||:

For full size click the above tag.
This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using an Exclusive from PFD
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit their store HERE for purchase details
Template: Kandi's Temp 81 - Visit her blog HERE

Kit: Black & White Tagger Size Kit by Diva Designz
Visit The Store HERE To Purchase

Font - Frosting for Breakfast
***Remember to save often***

Open template, ctrl-D to duplicate, close original

Re-size canvas to 800 x 800, I like having plenty of room to work, we will re-size later

Activate right black square layer

Open paper 7, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Repeat with left black square layer

Activate Blue circle 1

Open paper 3, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Repeat with Blue Circle 2 and Blue Circle 3 layers

Activate light pink circle layer

Open paper 5, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Activate bright pink circle 1 layer

Open paper 8, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Repeat with bright pink circle 2 & arrows layer

***Remember to save often***

Activate light pink circle

Paste tube of choice, duplicate, hide from view the duplicate

Back on the first tube, invert and delete, merge down

Now un-hide duplicate copy, move it up in the layers just below the word-art back layer

Take your eraser and erase any part of the tube that seems out of place, use my tag as example

***Remember to save often***

Activate left black square layer

Copy and Paste close up of tube, invert and delete

Duplicate this layer

One first layer, change blend mode to Luminance(L) and Obacity to 68%

Now on duplicate layer, change blend mode to Screen and Obacity to 72%

Repeat with the Right black Square

***Remember to save often***

Activate kandi word art layer

We are going to flood fill it with 2 different colors

First, to the word STUPID itself, flood fill white

To do this, make the entire canvas larger, try viewing it at 120

Then click on the letters themselves, making them white

Then on the lines above and below, color them black

***Remember to save often***

Now it's time to add the elements, use my tag for placement

Open crome leaf 2, Paste it as a new layer just below the tube layer

Open Heart Lock, Re-size by 15%, copy and paste as a new layer

Open Ribbon 1, Re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer

Open Bow 2, Re-size by 25%, copy and paste as a new layer

Now add any other elements you might like

***Remember to save often***

Crop your image, so that you are getting ride of all excess canvas

Re-size your image so that it is no longer than 650 on it's longest side

Now add your copyright

Save image as a png file.
This tut was written on March 17, 2013
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.

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