This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice:
However I am using Jessica Dougherty
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit CDO HERE, to purchase
Kit: Devilish by Rieka @ Rieka Rafita
Visit her blog HERE for purchase detail
Font=Advokat Modern
Open a blank canvas, 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later
Open RR_Frames4, copy and paste as a new layer, change the name of that layer to frame
Activate this layer by going to Selections, select all, float and de-float, select none
Now take your magic wand and click inside of the frame, on both sides
You should now have marching ants on the inside of the frame
Selections, modify, expand, use the settings below
Open paper 8
Copy and paste it as a new layer above the frame, invert and delete, select none
Move it below frame layer, change name to frame background
Open a closeup of tube of choice
Click off the visibility of the frame background
Repeat steps above for highlight the inside of frame
With your magic wand select one side of the frame
Copy and paste tube, invert and delete, select none
Now repeat these steps with the other side
On one of your sides change the opacity to Lumianance (L) and the other to Luminance
Change the opacity to 75%
Merge the two layers into one layer,
Open main tube and place in the middle of the frame, use my tag as an example
Open Bow3, re-size by 50%
Copy and paste as a new layer, move it toward the top of frame
Open Tag, re-size by 50%
Copy and paste as a new layer, move it so that it is below the bow layer, use my tag as example
Open Potion, re-size by 25%
Copy and paste as a new layer, move it toward the bottom of the right side
Duplicate and move one bottom behind the other, use my tag as example
Open Flower1, move to bottom layer, Duplicate
Now move the duplicate layer to the top layer
Take your eraser and erase the stem on the top layer
This will give the look of the flower blossom being on-top of the frame
Apply a drop shadow using the following settings
Highlight the tube inside the frame layer
Open Sparkle2, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none
Crop your image.
Now add your copyright
Add anything else you would like
Re-size total image no larger than 650 on the longest side
Save image as a png file.
This tut was written on November 03, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
Email: lostdarkangel13@gmail.com
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.
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