Thursday, September 20, 2012

:||: PTU - Natural Woman :||:

For full size click the above tag.
This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice - However I am using Keith Garvey
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
I purchased this tube while he was at MPT, however he now has his own store
Visit his store HERE, to purchase

Vix Template 18 - Visit her blog HERE

Abbey Dawn by Missy
Visit her Store HERE for Puchase detail

Font - Seasons-Spring

Plugins - Xenofex 2 Constellation & Gradient Glow
Open template, Ctrl D to duplicate temp, close copyright layer

Re-size canvas to 900 x 900, I like having a large workspace, we will re-size smaller later

Open paper 9

Select Background to Colour layer, copy and paste paper 9 as a new layer, invert and delete

Change blend mode to soft light, merge down

Select Circle layer, copy and past paper 9 as a new layer, invert and delete

Change blend mode to Hard light, merge down

Select rectangle layer, flood fill with a color of choice, I used #bd0461

While the layer is still selected, apply Xenofex 2 Constellation

Use the following settings

I chose a tube where the girl kneeling, it gave me the look I was wanting.

Place your tube of choice below the wordart layers

Open 71, copy and paste as a new layer, move this layer to the bottom layer on the canvas

Open 1, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer, use my tag for placement

Open 27 & 26, re-size both images, now take and copy 26 onto 27

Change 26 blend mode to Dodge and Opticy down to 62, merge the two layers together

Apply Gradient glow using the following setting

Now copy and paste this below wordart layer

Open 25, re-size by 25%, copy and paste as a new layer, use my tag for placement

Open 20, re-size by 25%, copy and paste as a new layer, use my tag for placement

Open 73, re-size by 60%, copy and paste as a new layer,

Duplicate and mirror, Merge the two layers together and send to bottom

Crop image down to size, then re-size so that it's no longer than 650 on the longest size

Add anything else you would like

Now add your copyright

Save image as a png file.
This tut was written on September 20, 2012
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.
