Saturday, April 7, 2012

:||: PTU - Easter Eggs :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowlege of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Elias Chatzoudis
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit PTE - HERE, to purchase

Template: Ella's Easter Temp 4 from the Misfit Blog
Visit their blog - HERE

Kit: Easter Eggs by Scrappin Krazy Designs
Vist her blog HERE for Puchase detail

Font - CluKennedySH

Plugins - Gradient Glow
Open template, Shift D, Close orginal

We are going to change the canvas size, I prefer working with a lot of room. We will re-size later.

Go to Image, Canvas size, change it to 900 x 900

Ok, now we are ready.

Remember to save your work as a psd file through out. This will allow you to start back there with the layers in tact if your PSP should close.

Hide the eggs that are in the temp, we are going to replace those with the kit ones a little later.

Highlight Bg 1 layer

Open p14, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Bg3 layer

Open p06, resize by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer, reposition to your liking, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Bg 2 layer

Open 04, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Easter WA layer

Open p05, resize to 700 x 700, copy and paste as a new layer, reposition to your liking, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Now lets take a moment to apply a little Drop shadow to a few layers.

Using the following settings, apply a drop shadow to Frame 3, Frame 2, Frame 1 & WA BG layers


Now add your tube of choice, place it below the wordart layer

Now duplicate your tube and more the copy above the wordart layer

Now you might want to increase the size of your picture so that you can see the very small details

Below will show the overview size of 300


Using your earser at 5, trace the outline of your tube

Once you have done this you can increase the earser size and delete any other portion of the tube that is blocking the wordart

What you want is the main part of the tube behind the wordart with only the hands in front, use my tag as an example

Now open 3 eggs of your choice

Re-size each by 65%, then copy and paste one at a time

We are going to replace you template eggs with these, delete the other ones

Open ele 23 and place it below your tube, using my tag as an example

Open ele 32, copy and paste as a new layer, mirror and move to your liking

Apply a drop shawdow using the settings above.

Open ele 09, copy and paste as a new layer, move to very bottom

Apply any other element of your chosing.

When done, crop your image and then re-size so that the longest side is less that 700

Now add your copyright

Save image as a png file.
This tut was written on April 7, 2012
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

:||: Misfit Bunny Trail :||: NEW FTU KIT - A CM Blog Challenge :||:

As part of the Easter/Spring Theme Scrapkit challenge. Below you can see my preview. Please take a moment and mosey on over to the Creative Misfits Blog and take a look at the other kits. You can download it from their blog.


