Sunday, September 26, 2010

:||: PTU-Princess That's Me :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Pinup Toons
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit CDO HERE, to purchase

Template: Circle 1 by Yvette at Creative Misfit Blog
Visit thier blog HERE

Kit: Little Miss Princess by Creative Intentionz
Visit her Blog HERE for purchase details

Font=AR Bonnie & Candida

Plugins=MuRa's Meister Copies
Open template, shift D to duplicate, close original

Re-size canvas to 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later

Delete copyright and background layer

Highlight pink circle layer

Open paper4, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Arrow circle layer

Open paper2, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight White circle

Open tube of choice, for this one I chose a close up

Copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, Select none

Change blend mode to Luminance

Open Word-art 2, copy and paste as a new layer, position it at the bottom of the tag

Add a drop shadow using the following settings


Open Bead Ribbon 4, re-size by 50%. copy and paste as a new layer below word-art

Now lets make the word-art screen

In a font of your choosing type That's Me, I used AR Bonnie

Now Promote this to a layer and select none

Now its time to apply MuRa's Meister Copies, use my settings

Copy the new word screen layer and paste in a new canvas, just for safekeeping

Delete the copy on your canvas and highlight the Pink Circle Layer again

Now go to the canvas that your screen is in and copy it

Paste it as a new layer on over the pink circle layer, invert and delete, select none

Open Doodle 3, copy and paste as a new layer, move layer to the bottom of the tag

Open Button5, copy and paste as a new layer, position it on top layer, use my tag as an example

Duplicate Button and mirror

Add any other elements or tubes of your liking

Crop image and re-size to no larger than 650 wide

Add copyright

Save as PNG file
This tut was written on September 01, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: PTU-Our Little Bundle :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Kit: Just Another Lullaby by Creative Intentionz
Visit her Blog HERE for info on how to purchase

Font=Chopin Script
Open new canvas, 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later

Now I don't normally use a background color but this might help a little

Flood fill the canvas with black, we will delete this at the end, right now its just there to help our eyes

Open Frame 4, copy and paste as a new layer

(Now you see why, white frame on white background, lol)

Highlight frame layer, select none

Take your magic wand and click inside left frame, selections//modify//expand, use the following settings

Open paper 5, copy and paste, invert and delete, select none, move below frame

Repeat the steps of highlight and expanding on the right side

Open Paper 1, copy and paste, invert and delete, select none, move below frame

Open Cloud Baby Girl, re-size by 75%, copy and paste below frame layer but above paper layer

Repeat same steps with cloud baby boy element

Highlight frame layer again select none

Click on center frame and expand using settings as before

Open paper 4, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none

Open Bassinet4, re-size it by 30%, copy and paste it as a new layer under the frame layer

Add a drop shadow using the following settings


Add a drop shadow to the frame itself as well

Open Alpha Beads4, re-size by 30%, copy and paste as new layer above the frame, place them on the girl side

Open Alpha Beads1, re-size by 30%, copy and paste as new layer above the frame, place them on the boy side

Open Cute flower5, re-size by 30%, copy and paste as new layer above the beads, place them on the girl side

Open Cute flower1, re-size by 30%, copy and paste as new layer above the beads, place them on the boy side

Now you can delete the black background

Using Chopin Script, or a cursive type Waiting On Our Little Bundle

Crop your image to your liking, re-size so that its no longer than 650 wide

Since you didn't use any tubes, you must credit the kit, in this case

©Nikki @ Creative Intentionz

Add any other elements or words you would like

Save as PNG file.
This tut was written on September 13, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: PTU-Crossed Dreams :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using A free piece from Zindy Nielsen
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit her store HERE, to purchase

Kit: Crossed Emotions by Creative Intentionz
Visit her blog HERE for info on how to purchase

Open a new canvas, 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later

Open Flower frame 2, re-size it by 75%, copy and paste as a new layer, place it in the center of canvas

We need to select the center of the frame

To do this you need to highlight the frame, then select none

Take your magic wand and click in the center of the frame to highlight the center

Now expand your selection area by going to Selections//Modify//Expand, use the following settings

Open Paper 2, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none

Move this layer below the frame layer

Open butterfly3, re-size by 50%, mirror

Copy and paste as a new layer, positioning at the top of frame

Open glitter 4, copy and paste as a new layer, move to the bottom layer

Duplicate layer, Mirror then Flip, Use my tag as example

Open Wrap 4, copy and paste as a new layer above the frame layer

Now take your Raster Deform tool

You will need to make the bow the same width as the frame

Duplicate the frame layer and move one above the bow layer

Take your eraser and delete where the frame is over the bow, use my tag as example

Add any other elements you would like

Add tube of choice

Crop image to your preference, re-size so that its no longer than 650 wide

Add copyright layer

Save as PNG file
This tut was written on September 13, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: PTU-Back To School :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Daniel Esparaza
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit CDO HERE, to purchase

Template: Template 4 by Yvette at Essence of Creativity
Looks liker blog is down at the moment

Kit: Back to School by Creative Intentionz
Visit her blog for details on how to purchase HERE


Open template, shift D to duplicate, close out original

Change canvas size to 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later

Delete Copyright and background layer

Highlight Large Photo layer

Open Paper 2, re-size to 500 x 500, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Small Photo layer

Open Paper 20, re-size to 500 x 500, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Rectangles layer

Open Paper 18, re-size to 500 x 500, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Add a slight Drop shadow, using settings below

Highlight Large Frame Layer

Apply Fritillary using the following settings

Repeat on small frame layer

Open Blackboard, re-size by 20%, copy and paste it as a new layer

Rotate image by using free rotate at 35 degrees to right

Open Textas, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer

Open BackPack, re-size by 30%, copy and paste as a new layer below Textas

Highlight Small Photo layer again

Copy and paste tube of choice there, invert and delete, select none

Change Blend mode to Luminance (L)

Move Small Frame to very top

Open Tag2, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a layer, move to the very bottom layer, use my tag as example

Rotate image by using free rotate at 35 degrees to left

Open Staple 2, re-size by 50%, rotate image 90 degrees to the right

Copy and paste this as a new layer below the other school elements but before the frame

Crop your image, make sure its no longer than 650 wide

Add any other elements you would like

Add your copyright

Save image as a PNG file
This tut was written on September 13, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: PTU-Are We There Yet! :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Toosh Toosh
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit their store HERE

Template: Template 13 by Designs by Ali
Visit her blog HERE

Kit: Are We There Yet by Creative Intentionz
Visit her Blog HERE for details on how to purchase

Font=Bumble Bee BV

Open template, shift D to copy, close out original

Change canvas size to 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later

Delete Copyright and Background layers

Highlight Rectangle 3 layer

Open Paper 9, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Circle layer

Open Paper 22, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Rectangle 2 layer

Open Paper 7, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Rectangle 1 layer

Flood fill black

Now add a bit of frilatary to it using the following settings

Now again

Now apply the same frilatary to all frames, do it twice to each frame

Open Sign 1, re-size by 50%, copy and paste it as a new layer

Open Sign 3, re-size by 50%, copy and paste it as a new layer

Open bow 1, copy and paste it as a new layer

Open bow 6, copy and paste it as a new layer

Open Notebook 6, re-size by 15%, copy and paste as a new layer

Open Notebook 1, re-size by 15%, copy and paste as a new layer

Open Notebook 8, re-size by 15%, copy and paste as a new layer

Open Doodle 5, copy and paste as a new layer

Duplicate this layer and mirror, then merge the two into one

Now Duplicate this new layer and flip, merge down again

Crop image to your liking

Since I'm using Toosh Toosh, the image has to be re-sized down to no longer than 550 on the longest side

Do the same if your using them as well

Add any other elements you would like

Save as PNG file.
This tut was written on September 13, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: FTU-Sassy :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Kenny Kiernan
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit CDO HERE, to purchase

Template: Template 44 by Melissaz Creationz
Visit her blog HERE

Kit: Smitten by Creative Intenetionz
Visit her Blog HERE

Font=Bumble Bee BV

Open template, shift D to duplicate, close original

Change canvas size to 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later

Delete copyright and Background layer

Highlight Circle Layer

Open Paper 5, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Rectangle Layer

Open Paper 6, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Rectangle Frame

Flood fill with black, apply Fritiallary using the following settings


Highlight Side Shape Layer

Open Paper 11, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight SASSY Layer

Open Paper 8, re-size to 500 x 500, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Open Butterfly 1, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer, use my tag as example of placements

Repeat the step with Butterfly 2

Open all 4 bling, re-size by 75%, copy and paste them turning each till you get a pattern that looks similar to this

Merge the 4 layers together and place at the bottom of the tag

Now apply a slight Drop shadow using these settings

Open both emo bunnies, re-size by 40%, copy and paste each as a new layer, use tag as example

Open Sparkle, copy and paste as a new layer

Copy and paste tube of choice.

Crop image to your preference, re-size so that its no bigger than 650 wide

Add any other elements you like

Add copyright

Save as a png file
This tut was written on September 13, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: PTU-Wicked Voodoo :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Template: Template 3 by Deb at Creative By Nature
Please Visit Here Blog HERE

Kit: Wonderfully Wicked by Wicked Princess
Visit her blog for details on how to purchase HERE

Font=Bumble Bee BV
Open template, shift D to duplicate, close original

Change canvas size to 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later

Delete copyright and background layer

Highlight Rectangles Layer

Open Paper 25, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Frames Layer

Open Paper 16, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

Highlight Raster 2 Layer

Open Paper 3, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none and merge down

I used the cookie (doll) that came with the kit

Open and paste as a new layer

Open VooDoo element, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer

Open Doodle1, re-size by 75%, copy and paste as a new layer below doll, apply a slight Drop shadow

Open Pin, copy and paste as a new layer

Now take your eraser tool and erase the bottom half of the pin, so that it looks like it stuck in the image

Apply a slight Drop shadow of choice

Open Butterfly3, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer

Now crop image to your liking, re-size it so that its no longer than 650 wide.

Since we didn't use a tube, you must credit the scrap kit so for this one it would be

©Shani @ Wicked Princess

Add any other elements you would like

Save images as a PNG file.
This tut was written on September 12, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: PTU-Spring into Fall :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Toosh Toosh
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit their store HERE

Kit: Spring into Fall by Wicked Princess
Visit her blog HERE for purchase info

Font=Bumble Bee BV
Open a new canvas, 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later

Open Sunflower frame and copy and paste it as a new layer

Flip it, this will put the sunflowers at the top

We need to select the center of the frame, to do this

Highlight the frame layer like you would normally then select none

Now take your magic wand and click in the center of the frame

Now expand by going to selections//modify//expand, use the following settings

Open Paper 6, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete, select none.

Now move it below the frame layer

Open tube of choice and paste it above the frame layer

Open Swirl, Copy and paste as a new layer below tube and above frame

Open Kite 1 & Kite 2

Copy and paste each below the frame layer, mirror one so one is facing the other way.

Now take your eraser and erase any of the strings that extend down past the tube

Merge the two together and change the blend mode to Luminance and opacity down to 76%

Open bow 4 and re-size by 50%

Copy and paste as a new layer, positioning it in the middle of the frame at the top

Crop image to your liking.

Since I'm using Toosh Toosh, this tag can not extend 550 on the longest side

So keep that in mind if you use them also

Add any other elements you would like

Add the copyright

Save as PNG file
This tut was written on September 12, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: PTU-Second Spring :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Jasmine Beckett-Griffith
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit CDO HERE, to purchase

Template: Template13 By Alyssa @ Alyssa's Scraps N Such
Looks like her blog is down at the moment

Kit: Second Spring by Wicked Princess
Visit her Blog HERE for info on how to purchase

Font=Babe Bamboo
Open Template, shift D to duplicate, close original

Re-size canvas to 800 X 800, we will crop later

Delete the Copyright and background layers

Highlight Large Circle Layer

Open paper 12, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none, merge down

Highlight each of the rectangle layers one at a time

Open paper 19, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none, merge down

Repeat this for all rectangle layers

Highlight frame layer

Flood fill it with Black, select none

Highlight Circle layer

Open paper 16, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none, merge down

I chose two tubes from the same artist, you can do the same or use the same tube

However you can not mix artists

Highlight Circle layer again

Copy and paste a close up of tube as new layer, invert and delete, select none

Change blend mode to Luminance and opacity to 80%

Open Bucket of Leaves, re-size by 30%, copy and paste as a new layer

Position in the lower right corner, duplicate and move till its beside the first one.

Open Leaf Branches, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer

Position it at the top of tag but move it below the circle layer

Open Mushroom, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer

Position toward the bottom on the left, use my tag as example

Open Wheelbarrow, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer

Mirror and move below the Mushroom layer, use my tag as example

Now add your tube of choice, I placed mine below the baskets

Crop to your liking and re-size no bigger than 650 wide

Add any other elements and name.

Add copyright layer.

Save as PNG file.
This tut was written on September 12, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: FTU-Out of the Shadows :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Gennadiy Koufary
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Currently isn't in stores

Kit: Out of the Shadow's by Wicked Princess
Visit her blog HERE

Font=Ability Black
Open a new canvas, 800 X 800, we will re-size later

Open Doors, re-size by 75%

Copy and paste as a new layer, move them up a little and to the left

Open Stair Railing, re-size by 75%, repeat

Copy and paste as a new layer, move this in front of the doors

Open Stair well, Re-size by 75%

Copy and paste as a new layer

To get this to fit you will have to adjust them a little.

Click on Raster Deform, and adjust till the steps are equal with the rail but they are all in view

Open Chandelier, copy and paste as a new layer below the doors

Open tube of choice and copy and paste as a new layer above the doors but below the chair rail

You want to make it so that she is standing behind the rail but in front of the doors

Open Valance, re-size it by 75%, repeat

Copy and paste as a new layer, position it above the rail, use my tag as example, you might have to adjust it so that it fits

Open Word-art, copy and paste as new layer

Crop image to your liking, re-size so that its smaller than 650 wide

Add copyright and save as PNG.
This tut was written on September 12, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: FTU-Hope Whispers :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Keith Garvey
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit PTE HERE, to purchase

Kit: Hope Whispers by Wicked Princess
Please visit her blog HERE

Font=Ability Black
Open a new canvas, 800 X 800

Open Double Rose Frame, copy and paste as a new layer

You want the centers of the frame highlight, so to do this you have to Highlight the frame, then select none

Then take your magic wand and click in the center of the frame

Now to expand, Selections//Modify//Expand

Use the following settings

Open paper 1, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none

Now move the paper layer under the frame layer

Now I chose 2 different close ups from the same artist, you can use the same tube or 2 different but they have to be the same artist

You have to highlight light the frame background, add the top tube

Copy and paste the tube of choice, invert and delete, select none

Repeat the above steps with the bottom frame

Now lets change the blend modes of the tubes before we move on

Duplicate top frame image, change the blend mode to soft light and the opacity to 70%, then merge down

Now repeat those steps for the bottom frame tube as well

Open Heart Bling String and copy and paste it as a new layer

Move the string to one side of the frame and add a drop shadow using the following settings

Now Duplicate the sting and mirror, so there is a string on both sides

Open Rose Candle 1 and re-size by 40%, copy and paste it as a new layer

Move it to the bottom of the image, mirror add a drop shadow with the settings from above

Open Tag and re-size it by 75%, copy and paste it as a new layer

Move it to the top of the image add a drop shadow with the settings from above

Open Awareness Ribbon, re-size it by 50%, copy and paste it as a new layer

Move it to the middle of the image add a drop shadow with the settings from above

Add any of elements of your choosing.

Now crop your image

Lets make the image a tad smaller, so re-size it to 499 X 700

Now add your copyright and save as a PNG file.
This tut was written on September 12, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


:||: Spookness Kit :||:

Not having net at home didn't stop me from creating my very first Halloween kit. Hope you all enjoy. Click preview for DL.


:||: FTU-Autism Awareness :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Template: Tag Template 155 by Designs by Ali
Visit her blog HERE

Kit: Loving JJ by Wicked Princess
Visit her Blog HERE


Open template, shift D to duplicate, close out original

Change the canvas size to 800 X 800 to give more room, we will crop later

Delete the copyright layer

For the time being just minimize the dot layer,

Highlight Layer Raster 2

Open Paper 1, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete, select none, merge down

Now take 4 colors from the puzzle layer and flood fill each of the dots with this color

Look at my tag as example

Now apply a drop shadow with the following settings to each circle

Now apply Fritillary using the following settings to each circle
You will need to click on the picture to get the large one

Highlight Raster 4 and flood fill it black

Now apply the same Fritillary as above, repeat

Highlight Raster 3

Now choose 2 colors to make a gradient with, I chose a silver for my foreground and black for my background

Apply the following settings to the gradient

Open the two boy elements, resizing both by 75%

Copy and paste each as a new layer and position them beside each other

Open Big Bow, re-size by 60%

Copy and paste it as a new layer, positioning it at the bottom of the tag

Open Chimp element, copy and paste it as a new layer, positioning it over the circles, apply Drop Shadow using above settings

Open Monkey element, Re-size by 40%

Copy and paste as a new layer, positioning at the bottom right of the image, add the Drop Shadow of above

Crop image to your liking, and re-size it to 650 X 530

Since we didn't use a tube, you must credit the scrap kit so for this one it would be

©Shani @ Wicked Princess

Add anything else and save as PNG file.

For font like mine, I used Impact

For the foreground I used black and for the background I used Paper 1 set on 25%
This tut was written on September 12, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

:||: PTU-Rockin Bitch :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Ismael Rac
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit his store HERE, to purchase

Template: Template 15 By Saph at Demented Hallucinations
Visit her blog HERE

Kit: Gothess by Wicked Princess Scraps
Visit her blog HERE for detail on how to purchase


Open template, Shift D to duplicate, close original

Delete Copyright and background layers

Re-size canvas to 800 X 800, we will crop this later

Highlight the Pink Oval Layer

Open paper 29, copy and paste as new layer, change blend mode to luminance (L), Merge Down

Highlight the Black Square Layer

Open paper 35, copy and paste as new layer, merge down

Highlight the Black Square Layer again

Now, open tube of choice and copy close up of choice

Invert and delete, change blend mode to Luminance

Copy and paste tube of choice and position it to your liking, you can use my tag as example.

Highlight the White Rectangle Frame

Open paper 18, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete, select none

Now add a little Frilliaty to it, using the following settings

Open Music Notes 1, copy and paste as new layer, add a drop shadow using the following settings

Open Star 1, re-size by 50%, copy and paste as a new layer

Using my tag as an example of placement, move the star, duplicate it and move the second one beside the first

Open Star Ribbon 2 and re-size it by 50%, copy and paste as new layer

Rotate it by going to Image//Rotate//Free Rotate

Use the following settings

Move ribbon to top left

Cope image to your liking

Open Wire 2

Copy and paste it as a new layer at the bottom of the tag, move till its where you like

Duplicate layer then flip, moving the second till its in the location of your choosing.

Add anything else you would like

Make sure to add your copyright

Then save as a PNG file
This tut was written on September 11, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.


Friday, September 24, 2010

:||: PTU-Loving Cat :||:

This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice: However I am using Jose Cano
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit PTE HERE, to purchase

Kit: Loving Cat by Rieka Rafita
Visit her blog HERE for details on how to purchase

Font=Caramel Crunch
Open a new canvas, 800 X 800

Open Frames 1, copy and paste as a new layer, center it in the middle of your canvas

Highlight frame, the select none.

Take your magic wand and select the inside of the frame

Expand the insides by going to selections, modify, expand,

See example below

Open Paper 11, copy and paste it as a new layer, invert and delete, merge down

Move this layer below the frame layer

Open tube

Highlight the inside of the frame layer like we did above, but this time only do the right side

Copy and paste the closeup of tube as a new layer, invert and delete

Change the Blend mode to Luminance (L) and duplicate

On this layer change the blend mode to Soft light

Merge layer down into the plaid layer one at a time, starting with the first closeup layer

Copy and paste tube on new layer on top, position it to the left of the frame

Open Glittertrail, re-size by 75%

Copy and paste it as a new layer, move it to the top of the frame under the tube layer

Open Splash Bubble, copy and paste it as a new layer, positioning it under the frame layer

Open Badges 2, re-size it by 50%

Copy and paste it as a new layer, move it to to the top right hand corner over the frame layer

Crop your image and re-size it to 650 X 556

Add any extras you would like.

Don't forget to add your copyright and save as png file.
This tut was written on September 11, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.
