This tutorial was written with a knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely accidental and not intentional.
Please do not copy or post on another site without permission.
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: However I am using Toosh Toosh
Please DO NOT use without a proper License
Visit their store HERE
Kit: Spring into Fall by Wicked Princess
Visit her blog HERE for purchase info
Font=Bumble Bee BV
Open a new canvas, 800 x 800, we will crop and re-size later
Open Sunflower frame and copy and paste it as a new layer
Flip it, this will put the sunflowers at the top
We need to select the center of the frame, to do this
Highlight the frame layer like you would normally then select none
Now take your magic wand and click in the center of the frame
Now expand by going to selections//modify//expand, use the following settings
Open Paper 6, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete, select none.
Now move it below the frame layer
Open tube of choice and paste it above the frame layer
Open Swirl, Copy and paste as a new layer below tube and above frame
Open Kite 1 & Kite 2
Copy and paste each below the frame layer, mirror one so one is facing the other way.
Now take your eraser and erase any of the strings that extend down past the tube
Merge the two together and change the blend mode to Luminance and opacity down to 76%
Open bow 4 and re-size by 50%
Copy and paste as a new layer, positioning it in the middle of the frame at the top
Crop image to your liking.
Since I'm using Toosh Toosh, this tag can not extend 550 on the longest side
So keep that in mind if you use them also
Add any other elements you would like
Add the copyright
Save as PNG file
This tut was written on September 12, 2010
All links were active at time of posting.
I would love to see your finished work.
Email: lostdarkangel13@gmail.com
If any problems arise please contact me, thanks again.
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